Your Intended Implementations ...
Note: This page is also used in a different, related PD.
Throughout the PD thus far, you have encountered many ideas that will help you more actively engage your students, ideas that you are keen to implement.
And because most of the strategies are appropriate for multiple year levels, topics and abilities, and because we want you to gain the maximum from this PD, our expectation (hope) is that you will implement multiple strategies multiple times across numerous situations.
Note that some of your implementations might be strategies you already use, but now you see how to make them more effective.
Your implementations may include:
- Modifying your approach to control.
- Giving students more choice.
- Using procedure-less activities that force students to think.
- Being explicit with students about their need to take ownership of their learning and what that looks like in practice.
- Teaching shortcuts where you used to teach tricks.
- Teach in a less-compartmentalised way.
- Use more interleaved questions and less blocked practice.
- Use Diagnostic Interactions.
- Creating a need in students to learn (e.g. The Brick Wall Approach)
- Use better questioning.
- Use activities and prompting that fosters metacognition.
- Utilise peer teaching - both organic and orchestrated.
- Making your lessons less physically static.
- Any other strategies you have adopted that answer the questions: 'How can I make the learning less passive and more active ... how can I have students following my instructions less and thinking for themselves more?'