Rosmary Jacobitz
I will definitely try to use simple, practical steps in teaching solving equations, without complicating the process with algebraic terms which causes the students to switch off immediately. I really like the scaffolding idea. Doha Adra
Great stuff! Could use this method across all math abilities. It’ll give students a learning experience they’ll never forget! Kasturi Murugavel
I'm keen to teach to a need - it's not against the rules to use your intuition when you can, and use it to propel students towards the algebraic method. |
Kerryn Warburton
Thanks for providing the impetus and encouragement to try a new approach. I look forward to teaching the rest of the topic with my students and seeing their understanding develop. Iris Bramley
My plan is to do a recap on equations during week 1 and see how they progress. Thanks for the scaffold idea - its a common question ‘I don’t know where to start’ Charlene Coates
Thanks Richard for sharing this with us. I’m looking forward to trying this approach when I next teach this unit, particularly with my lower ability classes. Seeing the light bulb moment with students is awesome and keeps us teaching right? |
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