Your Three Keys of N-L-C Comment ...
Do you have any reservations about implementing Needs-Levels-Choice?
Can you see how this approach can be a game-changer?
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Can you see how this approach can be a game-changer?
Are you keen to adopt it?
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Some past comments ...
James Ding
I love the idea of letting students solve equations by inspection at the start. I've read research that notes that many primary school students can solve one and two-step equations by inspection and this can explain their resistance to using the inverse operations method. Especially since the Year 7 textbooks make the equations so easy with their positive integer solutions! Richard Absolutely. And this leads to the potentially hilarious situation where students do actually 'beg' you for your method. !!!! Georgina Green
The weakest Year 8 Students are going to get it! Hi, I have a group of year 8 students who are withdrawn from class for half the lesson, 4 lessons a fortnight and I'm going to give it a go. It might be a bit challenging doing even the one step equations, as these kids are VERY weak with mental arithmetic (even single digits), without a calculator. However, I am not deterred. They have an Assessment this Friday and I will see them twice before then ... hopefully enough time to help them. Richard Even sticking with 1-2 step equations that can be answered by inspection will do a lot for their confidence. |
Kerryn Warburton
This will be a super way to get back into the topic of equations after school holidays and camp. We had 1-2 lessons last term and I can see this method will cater well for my students who will be at a variety of levels. What if my weakest student struggles with level 1 ( or 2?) Do they need a method at that point? Richard Kerryn, I really don't think they will as long as you make it make sense ("You have a number. When you add 3 to it you get 11. What's your number?") All answers in Levels 1&2 should be whole number answers. You might need to keep adding Qs to Level 2 because they may not be ready to progress to L 3 where they will need a method. If they can't nut out L 1&2 Qs on their own then the last thing they need is a method!! IMO Kasturi Murugavel
Awesome Approach! I hate when I have to resort to the "trust me, you'll need to do it my way later" argument with kids. I know I hated hearing that as a student, so it's great to hear that it's ok to let them solve by inspection! A little struggle will help the learning stick! Richard Exactly. Yes, this approach is a gamechanger when done well. |