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Isabella Fawcett
I have found that exact line is hard as I am young and short too LOL so I have a lot of students that can stand over me figuratively and physically. Out in our small town with our small central school it is hard to avoid students outside of school. You walk down the street they there, go to a shop they there, go to the bowlo on a Friday they are there :P So as part of our community I think there is that unspoken rule of thats my student and thats my teacher I can't do this or I should do this but yeah do not wish to be at a party with my students, they can stay at school. I do think having good rapport is a must especially with those kids are some of those 'negative nelly teachers' whom are always on the kid for doing something wrong you need to help them out as humans. Richard I know exactly what you are referring to, Isabella - my first 6 years was in a small town. I socialised and played sport with some kid's parents and siblings! |
Lachlan Davies
I believe I have done a pretty good job at building rapport with my students this year (1st year). There are definitely some students mostly from year 8 that could use a fireside-chat and some adjustments. There has been one or two close calls with personal boundaries which stemmed from social media and I have certainly learnt to be more careful about the teacher student line. The conversation about crossing the line certainly sounds like the best way to deal with that. I find this problem tends to be more common with worse behaved students as teachers think that being friendly might help with their behaviour. Richard It takes a while to find exactly where the line is! |
Rob Sibley
(My biggest success this year)
When I started at my school this year it was week 5 of term 1. I was coming half way through the term and the behaviour in my math class was awful. After about two weeks I had almost everyone on my side except for one very difficult student. He did not respond to multiple different approaches including a fire side chat. I ended up having a fire side chat and mentioned having a meeting outside of class time to discuss some goals for both of us in class. after the meeting I noticed an immediate change in the students behaviour. its been about 10 weeks since that meeting and the student is a different version of themselves. Its still a work in progress as the behaviour has improved but the work ethic hasn't so I will continue to work on that.
Wow, THAT is an amazing story. Well done Rob. How satisfying!
(My biggest success this year)
When I started at my school this year it was week 5 of term 1. I was coming half way through the term and the behaviour in my math class was awful. After about two weeks I had almost everyone on my side except for one very difficult student. He did not respond to multiple different approaches including a fire side chat. I ended up having a fire side chat and mentioned having a meeting outside of class time to discuss some goals for both of us in class. after the meeting I noticed an immediate change in the students behaviour. its been about 10 weeks since that meeting and the student is a different version of themselves. Its still a work in progress as the behaviour has improved but the work ethic hasn't so I will continue to work on that.
Wow, THAT is an amazing story. Well done Rob. How satisfying!