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Hello from Jared
Hi, I am in my 27th year of teaching . . . 7 years in the U.S., 6 years on Guam, and now on my 14th year teaching in Indonesia. I am in my 11th year here at Sekolah Mutiara Harapan, Pangkalan Kerinci, Riau, Indonesia. I already agree philosophically with the premise of the course, but I am excited to learn more about the implementation of these principles and to improve my own teaching practice. Thanks. Richard Here he is!! Finally! So great to see you on the inside Jared. I'm inspired to receive your input and deep thinking as well Jared. Enjoy. Hello from Alexandre
Hello, I am Alex as you all know. It is my first year living and teaching in Shanghai and my sixth year in China. I hope to learn a lot from this course. I expect that as I move on I get lots of opportunities to reflect on my teaching experience and with that I get new ideas to improve my teaching skills. I am lucky to be part of this amazing team that helps me to be a better professional every day. Cheers !! Richard Hi Alexandre. you are, indeed, in a great Team and in good hands! Yes, loads of self-reflection here. And the more open you are and the more you put into the course the more you'll get from it. Richard Hello from Waris
Hi, I'm Waris, a new Maths teacher from an international school in China. I take this course mainly because I want to learn how to improve students' agency in classes, and the understanding-first, procedures-second approach so I can implement in my classrooms. Something about me, hmmm... I love cycling and reading. I looking forward to seeing wonderful sharing from everyone and truly learn something valuable. Richard Welcome aboard Waris. Great to meet you. Enjoy the journey. Hello from Maja
Hi, I'm Maja, a math teacher from Yugoslavia/Serbia. I've been teaching for over 10 years (8 of these at Wellington College International Tianjin). I recently moved to Shanghai to continue my professional carrier. I hope to improve my teaching and engaging students in math classroom. I'm vegan, love earrings, and I'm passionate about coaching. Richard Wow, that's a vibey intro, Maja. Great to meet you and welcome aboard. I have no doubt you'll gain an enormous amount from this experience. |
Hello from Yesika
Hi, I'm Yesika. I'm 25 years old. I have been teaching for 2 years and 5 months as a math teacher in Pangkalan Kerinci, Indonesia. I really enthusiastic about joining this PD since my experience still lacking and I still have a lot to learn. Hopefully, it will be good experience for me. Thank you Richard So great to have you on board, Yesika. Currently, all the participants of this PD are from Wellington College International, Shanghai. Another school will be joining soon. Welcome aboard. Alaeze Ugoala
Hello, my name is Alaeze Ugoala and I am teacher at Wellington College in Shanghai. I have been teaching for 8 years now and I am hoping to gain some insight on this PD into building conceptual understanding in students, particularly in the links between different fields of algebra. I am curious to hear about other teacher's implementations of inquiry learning. Something quirky about me is that I am currently preparing to run a Harry Potter-themed dungeons and dragons campaign for my friends in Shanghai. Richard Hi Alaeze, great to 'meet' you. This is definitely the PD to 'gain some insight into building conceptual understanding in students'. Although it may not specifically provide specific ' links between different fields of algebra' ... the themes will help in that regard. (BTW, if you want to expand on what you mean by ' links between different fields of algebra', go right ahead. DnD eh? My 15 yo is right into DnD, although not the HP kind!! Enjoy. Mira Gao
I started my teaching career in 2010. However, this is my first year to be an upper prep maths teacher in an international school. I'm ready for all these brainstorms which can let me have more student-led learning in lessons. Richard Hey Mira, great to hear. Nice to meet you. Welcome aboard and enjoy the ride. Stephen Spice
I started teaching IB in 2000, and I have been both an examiner and moderator. I am currently living in Shanghai, China and I hope to learn something new from this current course. Richard Welcome aboard Stephen. Yes, this will be quite a journey! Enjoy the ride. |
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Understanding & Agency in Mathematics