Your Reflections on 'The #1 Course For Early-career Teachers'
Think about these prompts and then Share your reflections on this PD. Feel free to use the prompts below as a stimulus (but please write in your own words rather than just answering the five questions.)
Think about these prompts and then Share your reflections on this PD. Feel free to use the prompts below as a stimulus (but please write in your own words rather than just answering the five questions.)
- Has your classroom practice changed for the better?
- Have your students benefitted from the PD?
- Have your eyes been opened to some new possibilities? (Have some of your existing beliefs been challenged?)
- Has the PD inspired you?
Some past comments ...
Rob Sibley
What were the best aspects of the course? I think having advice that targeted all those beginning teacher questions that I have often been wondering was a huge aspect of what made this course great! Were you inspired? I was inspired by the ideas that came through that aligned with many of the things I already believed and aspired to implement but didn't have the courage or knowledge of where to start. Were you surprised by the course? I was surprised by how many people had similar issues or made similar mistakes to what I have done in the beginning of my career. this was very comforting knowing I wasnt alone. Has the course created positive change for you?The course has had a dramatic impact on my classes that have already begun to improve as a result of the strategies learnt in this course. |
Ed Carrigan
The course has been great. 1. Having someone (you Richard) who is open that they made many mistakes and had many challenging experiences perhaps twenty years but was able to turn around situations time and again by thinking what he could do to influence change (and detailing those situations) was though provoking. 2. The have a chats with Brad Fuller were great. He is obviously extremely well read on the philosophy of teaching and it is a enticing challenge to try to think how I could change a maths lesson to more closely match the vibe he gets in his music lessons 3. The topics and videos are well targeted. 4. The message that at then end of the day the most influential factor on class behavior is good class structure and preparation takes the personality out of it and is really encouraging in regards to how to make a positive change. 5. It is great to get the message that you should be yourself instead of trying to fit a particular mold. |